Tuesday, May 6, 2008


nash's vocabulary building seems to have slowed down, so lately i've been trying to pick a few words a week to really focus on. two weeks ago it was "shoe," "apple," and "juice." he got shoe down real well and will say it when asked most of the time. the other two are hit or miss, although he can definitely say them (and "apple" is sooo cute).

last night around ten, two hours past bedtime, i was trying to get nash to come to me and he just wouldn't listen. so i decided to count to three, which i've never really done. i said...'One.......two....." and just as i was about to say "three," nash said "shoe." i couldn't help but laugh.


Anonymous said...

This demonstrates several amazing qualities Nash has developed (nurture through wonderful, loving parents) and nature (God gave Nash certain gifts).

1. The gift of language and words----two/shoe. Potential poet. Not a great career, but we must follow our bliss.

2. The gift of diffusing conflict. Prov. 15: 1
A SOFT answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger. Potential: As CEO of his own company, Nash will enable his employees to diffuse conflict.

3. Apple. Nash has an innate appreciation for nutrition, and may one day become an apple farmer in Wenatchee, Washington, near to his paternal grandparents first job in Grand Coulee, WA. Be sure to check out the colorful website.

4. Nash has the ability to think non-linearly. Most babies would keep going with one two three. But Nash saw other options and thought out of the box.

Emilie May said...

5. Nash, upon hearing you count to two, realized that of all of the words you have taught him so far, shoe is the only one that comes in pairs... meaning two. "One, two... ah... she's talking about my shoes!" So basically he's a genius.