Thursday, April 3, 2008

nashville-16 months

nash is now 16 months and only two months away from being a big brother!

number of teeth: 10, with the 11th poking through (a little crooked?)

new words: tractor, apple, thank you, love you (i you). he says thank you a lot-em taught him. although he seems to have it backwards. em taught him the phrase by saying it to him each time he would hand her something. well, now he says it when he hands "you" something instead of when "you" hand him something. but it's still dang cute. the others have been said on occassion but are not used daily. his favorite word is "hi," and he says it to EVERYONE he sees. in church he walks from person to person touching each person's hand and saying "hi." the old people love him!

he's a natural show-off and when people are over he does new things to get attention. brad and gina were over one night and nash would not go to bed until we pretended to say goodbye to them. brad and gina actually had to leave and hide on the porch. then he went right to sleep. speaking of sleep-we went through a really rough phase, but he's now back to sleeping like a champ. only problem is that he has to have 1.) his blanket 2.) a bottle 3.) his binki and 4.) his ocean wonders aquarium turned on. he seems to have a preference for the order of those things and gets a bit testy if i don't do it right (and i can't seem to figure out the order!). as i'm leaving the room (always saying "nigh nigh love you") he says "hi." I LOVE IT.

we've discovered that part of nash's sleeping issues might stem from the fact that he is a sleep-talker/walker. the other night around midnight we heard chattering through the bedroom wall. when we went into the room to see what was going on, nash was sitting in the corner of his crib. he was slumped over and was talking to his foot. when he didn't respond to us being in the room, we realized what was going on. steve said "nash" real loud and all of the sudden nash snapped out of it and looked at us with a big smile and a twinkle in his eye and said "hi." we all died laughing. so anyway, we think he probably has nightmares too-which would account for his random freakouts in the middle of the night.

he still loves to go on walks and to the park, although he doesn't like the "rides." he'd rather push the swing than be in it. he likes to spin the merry-go-round, but won't ride on it. and he loves the sand. on walks he is often surrounded by the neighbors dogs and giggles and pets them. i'm starting to worry about when mean dogs come near him, he has no fear of them. he and lexi are still great friends and i think lexi is starting to realize he might be her only ally. today nash wanted her to come play in the sunroom and he baited her with an animal cracker. i was pretty amazed at his tactic and it worked!

when he wants something, nash still does his annoying squawking sound, although he is starting to replace it with more frequent hand tugging-he comes and grabs my finger then points to what he wants. another favorite-it makes me melt. what a great development! the squawking was getting on my last nerve all too often.

every morning dada gets nash out of the crib, changes his diaper, and gives him a bottle or breakfast. shortly after, nash comes in to our room and walks up to me and says "hi," and then climbs in bed for a quick cuddle. it's my favorite time of day. he'll then play by himself for a bit, checking in for a quick cuddle every so often. if he doesn't come in the room to check in i'll hear a "hi" from the other room-he'll keep saying it till i respond.

and that's nash at 16 months. he's still my favorite.


AlexisTexas said...

oh my, i wish i were there to see it all! i have tears in my eyes-because i miss you, i miss nash, i miss unborn baby haven, i miss it all (and i'm sick and i haven't really slept...that always brings the tears a little quicker...). i love all the adorable quirks-so glad he's being a doll! how crazy with the sleep-walk/talkin'...tell him "hi" for me! and a kiss on the forehead-even if he's outgrown it.

AlexisTexas said...

oh and of course the silhouette is love love it.

Diane CaƱate said...

Oh man! I agree with Ali! I miss Nash too! I'll be back in like 6.5 weeks. Crazy!

gina bina said...

He's my favorite too! I noticed you didn't mention the "throw-back head and give a courtesy laugh" action Nash was doing a few weeks ago. Brad and I still laugh about that, and he does it to me when I say stupid stuff.

Aubry T Jensen said...

Oh Liz! What a cute son you have. I miss seeing him all the time and gettings to see when he learns new things. I did get quite a few "hi's" the other day though. I love him! What a cute little boy! He is going to be a great big brother