number of teeth: 10
words: up, uh-oh, dada, hi, mama, doggy(?), more
favorite things to do: throw rocks, put on make-up, dance, walk and run outside, feed lexi, forehead kisses, and of course take baths
least favorite things to do: listen to mommy, sleep through the night, hold hands, ride in a stroller
nash is becoming quite the little character. he can go from sweet & pleasant (making cute cooing noises, giving {which means getting} kisses, smiling and laughing) to total nightmare in just a few seconds (arching his back, squawking, and glaring at whomever is in sight). he knows what he wants but doesn't have the vocabulary to tell me what that is and i think it frustrates him. he understands most of what i say and when he's in "sweet-boy" mode he'll do whatever i tell him to. when he's in "demon" mode i get an earful from him.
he loves to be outside and smiles and giggles at the birds. he hates to be held outside and just wants to run. but only in the direction he chooses-try to turn him around (to protect him from things like the busy state street) and it's fits and squawking on the sidewalk. he's a determined little guy and we are trying to figure out how to encourage his determination while still disciplining him and teaching him to listen to us.
nash is very observant and will pick up on things you'd least expect him to. he knows how to properly apply each make-up item in my make-up case. he mimics things when you don't even realize it. he loves to dance-a cute little squat is his classic move, but sometimes he'll throw in a funny little twist. he loves music and sways to slow songs. he thinks pockets are pretty neat, but he can't quite figure out how to put things in them by himself, so he just presses things against the pocket really hard.